A Great Ending

Hours: 5 hours for 5 letters (Updated)

Happy November Everyone!

This is the last month of my first semester at Tulane's Masters of Pharmacology Program. As the semester comes to a closing I can honestly say that this whole experience has been amazing. I have met some of the kindest people in this program and got to learn that I share the same journey as some of my fellow classmates. A couple of my classmates and I were able to share advice on applying and studying for exams, while also making connections during our semester. We also have been following our zoom study group schedules before exams. We all find that studying for the materials is easier when everyone shares their ways of remembering and studying for the exams. Overall, I think the materials that we are learning in this program is not completely different from what I learned during my undergraduate years. This program is designed to be focused on Pharmacology, so you learn the mechanisms to how a drug works in the body and the functions are similar to what you would learn in your basic biology classes. This makes the materials easier to learn because during my undergraduate studies I was already exposed to some of the materials being taught. As for volunteering, I have written five more letters to healthcare facilities this month. I have decided to write my letters to the Phoenix Assisted Care Facility in North Carolina and the Woodlands Healthcare Center in California. I decided to address my letters to the seniors I have not written to before in hopes that everyone was able to receive a letter. In my letters, I just started sharing some of my stories during quarantine hoping to relate to what they are experiencing now. I also have signed up to volunteer with the Harvest Food Bank this month to help prepare and cook food. I am very excited because a couple of my classmates have volunteered and expressed to me how enjoyable it is. Hopefully next semester we can do more in-person volunteer work and possibly be able to have in-person study groups. Let's hope 2021 gets better!

Cheers from the both of us,

Tracy Vu
